Hippo Manager has a default list of available forms available within your Hippo Manager platform. Your practice has the ability to modify these lists through the Administration screen.
Important Note: You will need Super User access to view this feature. For more information on user access levels, check out Administration: Assigning User Access Levels.
Creating Custom Forms:
Hippo Manager allows users to upload any form their practice uses, and they can also attach auto-fill fields to that form so that it will pre-populate with patient and owner information for those who are presently active in the Patient Reserve. These forms are then available for use through the Custom Forms Viewer on the Choose Action screen once created.
1. Select the Administration tab along the left side of the screen, and then select the Custom Forms widget.
2. To create a new form, select the (+) in the upper right corner of the screen, and within the Form Name text field below, type the desired title for this new form. Example: Check-In Sheet. This will help with identifying it in the Custom Forms widget on the Choose Action screen.
3. Then select the + Add PDF button, and choose the blank form from your device library.
4. Once the PDF for the blank form is attached to your Hippo Manager platform, you can freely drag the options from the Available Fields section on the right side of the screen to the appropriate area on the PDF form.
4. When finished, select Save Form in the lower left corner of the screen.
Modifying an Existing Form
1. Select the Administration tab along the left side of the screen, and then select the Custom Forms widget.
2. Next, select the form entry from the list once to highlight in green, and the form will appear in the Form Design section below. Alter the form as needed, and then select Save Form in the lower left corner of the screen when finished to save changes.
Removing an Existing Form
1. From the Administration tab, select the Data Customization widget. Then select the Custom Forms widget.
2. Next, select the form entry from the list once to highlight in green, and then select the trash can icon in the lower right corner of the screen.
Using Custom Forms:
Once the custom form is uploaded in Hippo Manager, it can be found through the Custom Forms widget on the Choose Action screen.
1. From the Choose Action screen, select the Custom Forms widget.
Important Note: If you don't see this widget available on your Choose Action screen, check out Choose Action: Using Choose Action Settings to Optimize Workflow.
2. Double-Click the name of the form from the available list, and the system will then take you to a printable view with all the assigned fields populated with the appropriate information.
3. If this is a release form that requires an owner's signature, the page can be scanned back into the system after signing, and it's recommended to attach it to the Documents folder for safekeeping. Check out Choose Action: Uploading Records to the Documents Folder.
Helpful Tip
For more information about ways to customize patient detail options, check out the following:
Administration: Modify Patient Color Options
Administration: Modifying Patient Breed Options
Administration: Modifying Patient Species Options
Administration: Modifying Patient Gender Options
Administration: Modifying Patient Marking Options