Once a patient's invoice has been paid and completed through the Checkout screen, the client's receipt is then available to print or email depending on the client's preference. Below you will find a breakdown of what's displayed on the client's receipt.
Client Receipt Breakdown
1. Print & Email buttons will display in the upper right corner of the screen. These buttons allow you to share a copy of the receipt by both printed copy, and emailed copy. For more information on verifying your practice's email, check out Administration: Configuring Practice Email.
2. Practice Logo, Name, and Details will display at the top of the receipt. For more information on how to customize this information, check out Administration: Uploading an Organization or Practice / Location Logo & Administration: Customizing Practice Information
3. Patient & Owner Information will display in the upper left section of the receipt.
Pro Tip: It's recommended to verify with the owner that you have the correct email address displayed in this section before emailing a copy of the receipt. For more information on how to update a client's email address, check out Patient Dashboard: Modifying Client & Patient Information.
4. Invoice Details & Receipt Comments will display in the upper right section of the receipt.
5. Items: List of items and/or services performed during the patient's visit.
6. Invoice & Payment Information: Invoice total breakdown and payment information captured
7. Declined Treatments: A list of items and/or services that were declined during the patient's visit. This section will only display on the invoice through a Whiteboard Treatment Sheet. For more information on this feature, check out Checkout: Capturing Declined Items or Services on the Invoice.
8. Upcoming Reminders: A list of the patient's upcoming reminders. For more information on updating patient reminders, check out Checkout: Capturing Patient Reminders on the Receipt.
Helpful Tip:
The owner's receipt can also be viewed at any time through the Invoices screen, and for more information check out Invoices: Owner Transaction History.