Patient Reminders are displayed in the Patient Reserve in the upper left corner of the screen. For more information on the Patient Reserve, check out Choose Action: Patient Reserve Breakdown.
1. To adjust an existing item or service's reminder settings, start by selecting the Administration tab in the Dashboard along the left side of the screen. Then select the Items and Services widget.
2. Using the filters at the top of the screen, find the item or service you wish to edit, and then select Edit to the right of the screen.
3. On this new page, scroll to the Reminders section and select the appropriate duration from the Reminder Interval dropdown. This will automatically log a patient reminder when the item or service is invoiced.
4. Items or services assigned to the Also Replaces section tell the system to replace the existing reminder with the reminder that's assigned to the alternate item or service once it's been invoiced.
- Example: For a growing puppy, you may prescribe a single dose of monthly preventative at a time until they reach an appropriate age for a 6-month supply. In this example, the single dose of preventative has a 1-month reminder interval assigned. The Also Replaces section includes all options that may replace that 1-month preventative. This will ensure that when any of the 6-month options is prescribed, the system will automatically update the 1-month reminder to reflect 6 months.
- Using this example, please note that you do not need to include the 1-month dose in the Also Replaces section as the system recognizes that the 1-month reminder will replace itself when a 1-month preventative is prescribed.
- Important Note: Select the checkmark in the lower right corner of the Also Replaces section to save the selected reminder code. After the checkmark is selected, it will be replaced by a (+) which can then be used to add additional reminder options as needed.
5. When finished, scroll to the bottom of the screen and select Apply in the lower left corner to save changes.
Helpful Tip:
You can also manually remove reminders from the Patient's account. For more information check out Choose Action: Removing Patient Reminders.