Hippo Manager offers a variety of Chart formats to fit the need of both appointment and veterinarian preferences. This article outlines what's available in the SOAP format.
VS (Vitals) & CC (Chief Complaint)
Wt (lbs): The patient's weight will automatically update in the Patient Reserve when entered.
Pulse: The patient's heart rate can be entered into this field, and will also document on the Vitals History feature to monitor trends. For more information, check out Patient Screen: Patient Vitals History.
RR (Respiratory Rate): The patient's respiratory rate can be entered into this field, and will also document on the Vitals History feature.
Temp: The patient's body temperature can be entered into this field, and will also document on the Vitals History feature.
Capillary Refill: The patient's capillary refill time can be entered into this field, and will also document on the Vitals History feature.
Mucous Mem: The patient's mucous membrane coloration can be selected from the dropdown menu. The options within the dropdown can be customized, and for more information check out Administration: Modifying Patient Vital Options (MM).
Hydration Status: The patient's hydration level can be selected from the dropdown menu. The options within the dropdown can be customized, and for more information check out Administration: Modifying Patient Vital Options (HS).
CC (chief complaint) allows you to capture the visit reason.
ROS (Review of Systems)
Selecting the body system from the list will record it as WNL (within normal limits) on the patient's chart. Leaving the body system unselected will record it as "SEE NOTES" on the patient's chart. This allows the veterinarian to target the soap for any abnormal findings in the text fields that follow.
Patient Visit Documentation
The SOAP (Subjective, Objective, Assessment, and Plan) text fields allow users to capture the patient's history and physical exam findings during the patient's visit. This information can be free-typed, or through a customizable Chart Template.
Chart Templates are available along the right side of the Chart page, and for more information about Hippo Manager's customizable chart templates, check out Management: Creating and Editing Chart Templates.
Quicklinks and Icons are available on this page for added convenience when capturing things like test results, problems or diagnoses, and dispensing medications.
Finalizing and Printing Options
Visit Timer can be used to record the appointment duration (optional).
Sign Chart finalizes the chart note so that it can be viewed, but not altered. This button is available only for those who have an Authorized Signatory access level. For more information, check out Administration: Assigning User Access Levels
Print allows you to print this document and can often be used as a patient's "Report Card" of the visit.
Referral Letter (Summary) allows you to print a slightly different version of the Print option, and can often be used when sending records to another practice.
Referral Letter (Detailed) allows you to print a slightly different version of both the Print and the Referral Letter (Summary) and can often be used when sending records to another practice.
Helpful Tip:
For more information about charting, it's also recommended to check out:
Choose Action: Chart Note Breakdown (Progress/Treatment)