Once an invoice has been completed, the information from the receipt will populate to Hippo Manager financial reports. If an invoice needs to be re-opened at any time, follow the steps below:
1. With the appropriate patient displayed in the Patient Reserve, select Invoices from the menu on the left side of the page.
2. Using the filters along the top of the page to narrow the search results below, find the Status filter and select Complete from the dropdown.
3. The search results list will display all previously completed invoices linked to the patient(s) associated with this owner.
4. Locate the invoice you wish to re-open, then select Reopen on the right of the line. Next, select the Set Active button. This will make the invoice accessible on the Checkout page.
5. To view this re-opened invoice and make any necessary changes, select Checkout from the Menu along the left side of the page.
6. When finished, select "Complete Invoice" to close the invoice again. Please note that when the invoice is completed (re-closed), it will reflect today's date.
Helpful Tip:
For more information about patient invoicing, and receipt management, check out Checkout: Register Breakdown and Invoices: Invoice Management Breakdown.