Creating a New Patient Account:
1. From the Choose Action Screen or Quicklinks, select Add Patient.
2. Enter as much patient and owner information into the form as you know, the only required fields being Patient Name, Species, and Owner's Last Name.
3. Once you've entered the owner's last name into the appropriate field within the form, that owner will display in the Matching Owners in Your System list below if the owner has visited your practice previously with another patient. If they are displayed within the list, select their name, and the system will autofill their details into the appropriate owner fields, and allow you to save this new patient into the owner's existing account. If you select the wrong owner by mistake, click Reset at the bottom of the screen.
4. When you've added all desired information into the patient and owner sections of the form, click Apply at the bottom left of the screen.
Important Note: The button will say Add Patient to Selected Owner if you followed Step 3.
5. You'll then be returned to the Choose Action screen, where the newly added patient is now displayed in the Patient Reserve. For more information about the Patient Reserve, check out Choose Action: Patient Reserve Breakdown.
Special fields in the Add Patient widget:
Several fields in the widget have additional functionalities, meant to make your life easier, and you'll find them listed below:
- Breed: Multiple breeds can be selected at once to notify mixed breed animals. Don’t see the breed you need? Check out Administration: Modifying Patient Breed Options.
- Color: Multiple colors can be selected as necessary. New colors can be added through the Administration page. For more information check out Administration: Modify Patient Color Options.
- Markings: Multiple markings can be selected as necessary. New markings can be added through the Administration page. For more information check out Administration: Modifying Patient Marking Options.
- Enroll PHR: This will make the patient’s information available in the client-facing Patient Health Record (PHR) Portal. For more information about the PHR, check out Patient Portal: Activating the PHR
Important Note: Any information entered into the Notes section of the New Patient form will be visible in the PHR for clients. For information that you do not want clients to see, use the Alerts widget.
Helpful Tip
While an email is not required when entering a new client, it's strongly recommended for practice communications, emailing receipts, and identifying owners in the New Patient form to avoid duplication.
If you need to alter or add owners to a patient's account, check out Patient Screen: Altering Client & Patient Information.
The Matching Owners in Your System field is meant to prevent duplicate clients from accidentally being created in your account, but if you have duplicate clients and/or patients in your Hippo Manager platform that you need to be merged into one account, fill out a request to customer support using this form. For the fastest resolution time, please include the following pieces of information within your request:
The Patient Name/ID & Owner Name/ID that you'd like merged from and to. Th patient and owner ID can be found within the Patient Reserve.