You can view a patient's appointment history through Quicklinks that can be accessed from the Patient Screen, the Chart Note page, and the Scheduler page.
From the Scheduler Screen:
1. Towards the bottom of the scheduler, select the pushpin to expose the available Quicklinks. If you don't see Appointments within the tabs, select Settings from within the list of options.
2. Within the new screen, find the Appointment option and drag it from the Unused column to the QuickLinks column. (Order does not matter).
3. Select Ok when finished to save these preferred settings.
Important Note: These settings are User specific, so each user can customize the available options based on their preference.
From the Patient Screen:
1. Towards the top of the Patient screen, locate the Quicklink that says Appointments within the tabs. If you don't see this option, select Settings from within the list.
2. Within the new screen, find the Appointment option and drag it from the Widget, or Unused columns into the QuickLinks column. (Order does not matter).
3. Select Ok when finished to save these preferred settings.
Important Note: These settings are User specific, so each user can customize the available options based on their preference.
From the Chart Note:
1. Towards the bottom of the scheduler, select the pushpin to expose the available Quicklinks. If you don't see Appointments within the tabs, select Settings from within the list of options.
2. Within the new screen, find the Appointment option and drag it from the Widget, or Unused columns into the QuickLinks column. (Order does not matter).
3. Select Ok when finished to save these preferred settings.
Important Note: These settings are User specific, so each user can customize the available options based on their preference.
Helpful Tip
The Widget view will provide the most comprehensive at-a-glance view of the patient's history. However, you can also add Appointments to the Quick Links column to have the option available as a white tab at the top of the patient screen.
Quick Link settings operate the same way on both the Chart Note page and the Scheduler page. However, the quick links will only appear after you have clicked the small blue pushpin button located at the bottom left corner of either page.