The checklist below outlines the recommended steps to take when using and logging a controlled substance in your Hippo Manager system.
Create the Inventory Code
In order to dispense the medication in a patient's record, it's important to first create the inventory code through Items and Services.
Administration: Creating and Editing Inventory Codes
Perform a Receiving Entry
After the item code is added to your inventory, you will need to perform a Receiving entry to capture the medication's qty on hand, lot # and/or serial #, and expiration date.
Management: Performing a Receiving Entry
Management: Updating Inventory Lot Numbers & Expiration Dates
Dispense the Medication
After the item code is available and the Receiving entry has been completed to capture the appropriate medication details, you can use the Medication widget to dispense and invoice the medication within a patient's record.
Choose Action: Logging a New Prescription
Checkout: Using Item Kits With Medications
Choose Action: Logging a Prescription Refill
Controlled Substance Log
When a medication is applied to the patient's invoice, it will automatically record on the Controlled Substance log.
Reports: Controlled Substance Log.