The Online Learning Center is your one-stop shop for training videos, simulations, skill sharpeners, games, Knowledge Checks, and Assessments.
Important Note: If you need an Online Learning Center account set up, our dedicated training team can be reached by email, using Please include the following information:
- Your Practice Name, and/or custom practice URL.
- Your Name (First/Last), Email Address, and Role
Viewing Your Progress & Assigned Courses
At login, you will see your Learning Dashboard. As you scroll down the page, you will see a high-level overview of assigned and completed courses. For more information, check out Hippo Manager Online Learning Center: Viewing Your Assigned Trainings.
To access additional training courses, select the Content Library button in the Dashboard in the upper left corner of the page. For more information, check out Hippo Manager Online Learning Center: Using the Content Library.
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