While you are always able to explore available training resources through the Content Library, it is important that you also know where to find courses that have been assigned to you.
1. Once you've logged into your Online Learning Center account, you will see several sections on the main Dashboard page, including a section labeled "My Training". This will allow you to see past, current, upcoming, and overdue courses or learning paths that have been assigned to you.
2. Select the assigned Course or Learning Path name to get started or resume progress! As you complete modules, this section will automatically update to help you track your progress.
Pro Tip: Selecting the button in the upper right corner of this section labeled "See All Assigned Courses & Learning Paths" will provide an alternative view of your progress.
Important Note: The Online Learning Center is separate from your Hippo Manager platform. If you do not have an account for the Online Learning Center, please contact our training team for enrollment. Contact: Training.
Helpful Tip:
We also recommend that you check out Hippo Manager Online Learning Center: Using the Content Library.