The Alias ID field in Hippo Manager can be used as an added patient identifier. Whether you need to add a patient's tattoo number or you need to quickly identify the facility where a horse is boarded, the information entered in this field will conveniently display in the Patient Reserve.
For New Patients
1. From the Choose Action page, select the Add Patient icon. When adding the patient's information in the top section of the page, include the desired information in the Alias ID text field.
2. Continue adding the owner's information in the bottom section of the page and select Apply to save when finished.
You may need to refresh the page, but those notes will appear in the Patient Reserve in the upper left corner of the page.
For Existing Patients
1. Select Patient from the Main Menu on the left side of the screen. In the Patient Info widget, select the Edit pencil in the upper right corner. Type the patient's information you wish to document, and then select Ok to save changes.
You may need to refresh the page, then those notes will appear in the Patient Reserve in the upper left corner of the page.