Hippo Manager allows you to assign inventory item and service code restrictions based on a patient's species. For example, setting Species Restriction would ensure that a Canine Influenza vaccine could be invoiced only for canine patients.
Setting the Species Restriction
1. Select Administration from the main menu on the left side of the screen, and then select the Items and Services icon.
2. On this page, use the filters to narrow the inventory search results list. Locate the item or service code you wish to restrict, and then select the Edit button. (If you are creating an entirely new inventory code, select the Create New Item button in the upper right corner of the page).
3. On the next page, scroll to the Miscellaneous section. From the Species drop-down, select all patient species that are approved for this item or service code. For example, if this is an FVRCP vaccine code that should only be available for cats, select Feline from the list.
4. Next, select the Save Item button to save changes.
How it Works: On the Medications Page
On the Medications page, if you are dispensing a medication that has a species restriction, it will only appear in the list of available inventory codes for patients whose species are assigned in the Item details through Items and Services. For any species not assigned in setup, the medication will not appear in the list of available inventory codes. For example, suppose you are dispensing Revolution for a dog, but the inventory code is assigned to be feline only. In that case, the product will not be available in the inventory code list on the Medications page.
How it Works: On the Vaccinations Page
On the Vaccinations page, if you are administering a vaccine that has a species restriction, it will appear in the list of available codes for all patients. However, an error message will populate if you attempt to is add a vaccine for a patient whose species does not match the set restrictions.
How it Works: On the Checkout Page
On the Checkout page, if you are adding a vaccine with a species restriction, a message will appear as pictured below before you are redirected to the Vaccinations page.
Helpful Tip
For more information regarding messages you may encounter in your Hippo Manager platform, check out Tech Tip: Understanding and Troubleshooting Error Messages.