Accessing the Import File Template
1. Select the Administration tab, and then select the Items and Services widget.
2. Select Import Items in the upper right corner of the screen, and then select Download Import Template to access the excel file template.
3. Add your items within the file, filling out at least the six required fields:
- Item Name
- Category
- Supplier (None for services, etc.) Note: The supplier column accepts numerical values only. Supplier IDs are created based on the order in which they are added to your platform. You will first need to create your suppliers, then use the order to dictate what numbers should be entered into this field (i.e. first supplier listed will be ID 1 and so on).
- Cost Price (clinic cost)
- Reorder Level (for stocked items only)
- Locations: Determines which location(s) the new item will appear. Important Note: For items that include multiple locations, add the IDs in double quotes with no spaces. Example: “1,2”.
Other common fields to note:
- Also Replaces: If an item or service added to a patient’s record needs to replace reminders for other items/services when it is added, include the Item ID in the cell on the spreadsheet. Leave the cell blank if not applicable.
Pro Tip: There is also a Glossary on the Item Import page through Items and Services that defines what each field should contain.
Important Note: To make this process as effective as possible, please fill in as much information as possible. Do not add or delete columns from the Excel File Template. The Item information fields will not import to the correct field in Hippo Manager and can require additional manual fixes upon uploading. For any field you deem not applicable, simply leave the column blank.
Importing the Completed File Template
1. Select the Administration tab, and then select the Items and Services widget.
2. Select Import Items in the upper right corner of the screen. Towards the bottom of the screen, select Choose File, and attach the excel file from your device.
3. Select Click to Import Items to upload.
4. Once the list is uploaded, the items should be available through the main Items and Services page to view or alter as needed. For more information about adding or updating inventory quantities, check out the following articles:
- Management: Performing a Receiving Entry
- Management: Updating Inventory Quantities
- Management: Updating Inventory Lot Numbers & Expiration Dates
Helpful Tip:
For more information about applying a price increase to one or all inventory item codes, check out Administration: Implementing an Inventory Price Increase.