Hippo Manager’s Choose Action Screen is one of the main home screen options available to users for visibility of the entire patient record. This screen can be customized to each user's preference.
Customizing the Choose Action Screen
1. Click your user login name or the Hippo icon in the lower left corner of your Hippo screen.
2. Next, select the Choose Action Settings widget, and on the next screen you will see 2 columns:
- Displayed (Blue)
- Hidden (Red)
The Displayed column will make this information available on the Choose Action Screen as a widget.
The Hidden column will make the assigned information hidden from the Choose Action Screen.
3. Click, drag, and drop the information boxes into the desired columns, and then click Ok to save changes. The order within the column does not matter.
4. When you've returned to the main Choose Action screen, the only widgets visible, are those you've assigned.
Helpful Tip:
These settings are user-specific, so each staff member can customize them based on their preference. Hippo Manager also offers Quick Links in the Scheduler, and the Patient tab for added visibility to the patient's record according to preference. For assistance, check out Scheduler - Using and Customizing Quick Links to Optimize Workflow and Patient Screen- Using and Customizing Quick Links to Optimize Workflow.