Documentation such as historical records signed release forms, pictures, or videos can be uploaded and attached to the patient's record through several places in the system including the Labs/Tests widget, the Documents widget, and the Medical Imaging widget.
1. From the Choose Action screen, select the Medical Imaging widget.
2. In the new window, click the (+) in the upper right corner of the screen to create a new Medical Imaging File Group.
3. Name the folder, and add any additional descriptors into the optional text field below. Then click Ok when finished.
- Pro Tip: To assist with organization and locating files should you need to access them in the future, it's recommended to name the folder according to what's attached. The description box is also a great place to add where the records came from for example.
4. Once back on the main Medical Imaging file screen, select Add Files to upload the Dicom files from your device library. Alternatively, you can also drag the file from your device library into the grey-shaded box at the bottom that says Drag to Upload.
Viewing the Attached File
1. Double-click the attachment in the Documents section which will open the image in the viewer where you can contract, rotate, or measure as needed. Alternatively, you can also click the download arrow in the lower right corner of that section to download a copy onto your device.
Helpful Tip
If the Medical Imaging widget is received in a .zip format, it must be extracted before it can be uploaded to the patient record.