We are excited to share our latest Help Center update.
With new categories and subsections, content is now easier to find than ever!
Announcements and Releases: Articles highlighting important information, including detailed notes on Hippo Manager updates as they are released.
System Features: Articles on a wide range of system features and functionalities, organized in subsections aligned with pages located in the Hippo Manager Main Menu: Administration, Checkout, Choose Action, Invoices, Management, Patient Dashboard, Reports, and Scheduler.
Supplemental Resources: Articles built around Workflow Best Practices, including: Advanced Workflow Options, Checklists, and Indexes.
Customer Support, Training, Sales, and Billing: Articles highlighting how to contact our team and detailing Support and Training resources, including: Tech Tips, FAQ's, and "How-To's" for the Help Center and Online Learning Center.
Integration Partners: Articles on our various Integration Partners and their services.