Patient Reminders can be accessed via the Reminder icon in the Patient Reserve in the upper left corner of the screen. For more information on the Patient Reserve, check out Choose Action: Patient Reserve Breakdown. Alternatively, the Reminders icon on the Choose Action page also provides access.
1. To view a patient's reminders, select the Reminder icon in the Patient Reserve or the Reminders icon on the Choose Action page.
2. To create a new reminder entry, select the (+) in the upper right corner of the widget.
3. Enter the patient reminder information into the following fields:
- Description field - type the desired reminder
- Delay dropdown list - select the reminder duration
- Start Date text field - select the date that the service or product you are reminding for was provided
In the example below, the patient was seen for an eye exam on 9/18/23. The doctor recommended a recheck 3 weeks after the initial exam, so we set a reminder delay (duration) of 3 weeks from the start date (date of service) of 9/18/23.
4. When finished, select Ok to save.
Helpful Tip:
For more information about removing patient reminders, check out Choose Action: Removing Patient Reminders.