Hippo Manager can now automatically summarize Chart Notes with the help of AI! The Chart Quick Notes feature is a powerful tool designed to streamline your workflow. It's especially beneficial for practices that share medical records with owners and referrals.
Generating a Chart Note Summary
1. Select the Chart Quick Notes icon from the Choose Action screen.
2. The list will contain all chart notes for the patient actively displayed in the Patient Reserve. To generate a summary of a chart note, locate the record in the list and select the Summary button.
3. The system will generate a summarized version of the chart note on this next page for your review. To print a copy of this summary, simply select Ctrl P on your keyboard or right-click and select Print.
Editing a Chart Note Summary
1. To edit what is generated in the Chart Summary, return to the Chart Quick Notes page using the cookie crumble at the top of the page. Then, locate the chart note in the list and select the Details button. The system will automatically open the original chart note for adjustments. Alternatively, you can access the Chart Note from the Choose Action icon or the Patient Dashboard widget.
2. After you've saved changes to the main chart note, return to the Chart Quick Notes icon, locate the desired chart note in the list, and select Summary once more.
3. Once on the Chart Summary page, select Regenerate Summary, and the system will update the summary to reflect changes.
Please note that if you do not select Regenerate Summary, the summary will not reflect changes made to the original chart note.
Helpful Tip:
If you don't see this icon available on your Choose Action screen, you may need to visit your user settings to update what's visible on the page. For more information, check out Choose Action: Customizing Choose Action Settings to Optimize Workflow.