The Price Check tool is a helpful feature that allows the user to look up the cost of an item without creating an invoice or estimate.
Price Check Location
1. Depending on what area of the system you're working in, find your way to the upper right corner of the screen where you'll see an icon with a dollar sign and a checkmark.
2. The feature will expand from the right side of the screen where you can look up an item or service and get the cost to the client with tax included.
Price Check Breakdown
Price Check Header: Informs the user that they can check prices without creating an Invoice or Estimate.
Item Search Bar: Type the item or service you are looking for in this field to populate a list to choose from.
Quantity Field: Type the quantity of the item that you need a price check on. This field will default to 1.
Subtotal: This is the amount of the item including the base price and potential dispensing fees and/or minimum fee.
Tax: This is the amount of any tax that may apply to the quoted item.
Total: This is the amount of the Subtotal plus the Tax.
Helpful Tip:
To create a more extensive quote with more than one item for a particular patient, visit Checkout: Creating and Converting Estimates