Emailing a Single Patient Reminder
1. Select the Reminders widget found on the Patient screen, or the Reminders Icon in the Patient Reserve.
2. Select the Reminder you wish to send an email to highlight in green, and then select the envelope icon in the lower right control buttons.
3. A window will appear containing the owner's email address, and the reminder you have selected. It's recommended to alter or include text that you wish for the owner to see, such as a greeting, or multiple reminders that can manually be entered into the Body field.
4. When ready to send, select Ok.
Emailing Reminders For Multiple Patients
1. Select the Management tab, and then select the Generate Reminders widget.
2. Add the Start Date and the End Date and the list will generate patients with reminders due in that date range. Example: 10/1/2023-10/15/2023 will include all patients who have a reminder coming up due within that date range.
3. When you are satisfied with the start and end date, select Apply to save.
4. Next, return to the Management tab, and then select the Review Reminder List widget.
5. The List at the top will include all patients and their reminders due within the assigned date range. When you select a line, it will appear in the text fields below so that you can alter or add to the Body field if needed. If you wish to alter the list, be sure to select Apply in the lower left corner of the screen after each alteration to save changes.
Important Note: You may notice that each reminder is separated by its own line. You can manually condense this list if you wish for the owner to receive 1 email instead of multiple, by adding the reminders to one line and then removing the others using the trash can in the lower right corner of the list. Removing a line does not impact the reminder itself, but only prevents that email from being sent.
6. In the text fields below this list, this is where you can include your practice greeting and any additional notes.
Important Note: The Body field will include all reminders for patients individually, however, the Body Header, and Body Footer are global, meaning they will be included in all emails.
7. When you're satisfied with the list, select Apply to save it. Then select Send Reminder Emails.
Helpful Tip
Emailing reminders is just one way you can contact clients for upcoming services. You can generate a Reminder list to call clients. For more information, check out Reports: Using the Reminder List.