For maximum security and to track changes made with the platform, it's recommended that all users should have their own unique login information. This article walks you through the steps to creating new users, and also manage existing users.
Creating New Users
1. Select the Administration tab, and then select the Users widget.
2. Select Add Users from the upper right corner of the screen.
3. Fill out the following fields:
Account Details
- Name: Employee's first name as it will be displayed for actions throughout the system.
- Last Name: Employee's last name as it will be displayed for actions throughout the system.
- Username: The employee's email address. Keep in mind that this is the email address they will use to access the system and receive verification or password reset emails.
Access Controls
- Roles: This will define what the user is allowed to access within the system.
Important Note: A user can only sign Chart Notes and Medication entries if they have "Authorized Signatory access." For more information about access levels, check out Administration: Assigning User Access Levels.
- Location(s): The practice location(s) where the user will have access upon logging in.
- Provider Type: Assign the provider type.
Important Note: In order, for a user's name to appear in the "Seen By" or "Provider" dropdowns throughout the system, they will need to have an option selected from the Provider Type drop-down.
- Provider Specialty: Assign a provider or practice specialty
- License #, EIN/SSN#, and DEA#: Pertains to Veterinarian users, and this will appear on the vaccine certificate and medication labels.
4. When all necessary fields are completed, select Create User at the bottom left corner of the screen to save this new user.
5. The user will automatically receive an email through their inbox, or in some cases, their spam folder. Within that email, the user should select the Verify Account link. They will then be taken to a Hippo Manager Login page where they can create a new password.
Important Note: If the user does not receive a verification email through their inbox or spam folder, your hospital administrator can locate the newly created user under the Users widget within the Administration screen. Then select Resend Verification Email next to that user within the list.
6. Once the password has been created, that new user can then gain access to the system using their unique email and new password.
Helpful Tip
Users can change their password at any time by going to the Hippo icon in the lower-left corner of their screen and selecting User Security. For additional information regarding customizing the user experience, check out the following articles:
- Choose Action: Customizing Choose Action Settings to Optimize Workflow
- Patient Dashboard: Using and Customizing Quick Links to Optimize Workflow
- Scheduler: Using and Customizing Quick Links to Optimize Workflow
Important Note:
If you have previously deactivated or deleted a user, and are trying to add a new user with that same email address, please contact support to have that email address reactivated.