Altering a Client's Information
1. Through the Choose Action screen, locate the Client Information widget. Alternatively, through the Patient screen, select the Client Information Quick Link or Widget depending on user settings.
2. If there are multiple clients in the list, double-click the owner's name that you wish to edit.
3. Enter in any new information, and/or change any old information through this screen, and to finish, click Ok in the bottom right corner to save changes. If you cannot see the Ok button, try adjusting the zoom of your browser. This can be done by pressing the control key and the - key at the same time to zoom out.
Altering Patient Information
1. Through the Patient screen, locate the Patient Information Quick Link or Widget depending on user settings.
2. Select the edit pencil in the upper right corner of the screen.
3. Enter in any new information, and/or change any old information through this screen, and to finish, click Ok in the bottom right corner to save changes. If you cannot see the Ok button, try adjusting the zoom of your browser. This can be done by pressing the control key and the - key at the same time to zoom out.
Helpful Tip
You can attach a referral veterinarian to the patient record as well. For more information, check out Choose Action: Adding a Referring DVM (rDVM)
If the patient is being transferred to new ownership, check out Choose Action: Changing Patient Ownership for more information.