This is part 1 of 5 in the article series.
Vaccines with multiple reminders linking back to the same inventory code can be set up to add the appropriate reminder automatically. In this article, we will be focused on creating the reminder items that will be used to generate the reminder for the patient and the certificate.
Creating a Reminder Item Codes
1. Click the Administration option from the main menu on the left side of the screen and click the Items and Services widget.
2. Next, click Create New Item in the upper right corner of the screen and fill out the following sections:
Item Definition
- Name field, type the name of the reminder interval you wish to join with the Master/Primary inventory item you created above. Example: DHPP Vaccine Reminder- 1 yr.
- Important Note: This will be the Reminder Line Item that generates the patient reminders.
- UPC: Skip
- Type: Select Non-Stocking Item from the dropdown menu.
- Location: Select the location(s) you wish for this reminder item to be available.
- Account: Skip
- Category: You can create a "Reminders" category using Administration: Creating and Editing Item Categories for assistance.
- Description Box and Allow Alt Description allow for additional notes to appear on the invoice, such as "Reminder Only". (Skip if not applicable)
Item Behavior
- Click the toggle for Hide from Sales Register
Item Pricing- Skip
- Reminders Interval: Select the desired reminder duration. Example: If this is a 1-year DHPP Reminder Item Code, select 1 year from the dropdown.
- Also Replaces: Codes entered in this section tell the system to replace the existing reminder with the reminder that's assigned to the alternate item or service once it's been invoiced.
- Example: If a 3-year DHPP can replace a 1-year DHPP, be sure to add the 3-year DHPP Reminder code into the Also Replaces section. (Doing this will ensure that when a 3-year DHPP vaccine is administered to a patient who previously received a 1-year vaccine the reminder interval will update from 1 year to 3 years automatically).
- Using this example, please note that you do not need to include the 1-year reminder in the Also Replaces section as the system recognizes that the 1-year reminder will replace itself when a 1-year vaccine is administered.
- Important Note: Select the checkmark in the lower right corner of the Also Replaces section to save the selected reminder code. After the checkmark is selected, it will be replaced by a (+) which can then be used to add additional reminder options as needed.
Inventory Control- Skip
- Species Restriction: This will allow you to control what species this item is available for (optional)
3. Select Save Item when finished.
4. Repeat the steps above for creating all Vaccine Reminder Code durations for each Primary/Stocking Vaccine Item code (Example: 3 wk, 1 yr, 3 yr, etc).
Helpful Tip
For the next article in the series, check out Administration: Linking Multiple Reminders to an Item Code- Part 2 (Stocking Item).