The Patient Reserve along the left-hand side of the screen will house an important overview of the patient and owner information, along with the menu bar to help you navigate through the platform.
Patient's Picture
1. When a patient's picture is uploaded to the system, their picture will appear within the reserve at the top next to their name.
For additional assistance, check out Patient Dashboard: Uploading a Patient Photo
Patient Search
1. When you hover over the Hippo icon in the upper left corner of the screen next to the patient's name or the patient's picture, a magnifying glass will appear.
2. Click the magnifying glass to change the patient's record. Alternatively, the magnifying glass in the upper right corner of the window will take you to the Change Patient screen as well.
3. Type the patient's name into the Smart Search to change records.
For additional assistance with this section, check out Choose Action- Owner/Patient Search
Patient Alerts
Bell Icon (left): Represents patient alerts
Leaf Icon (middle): Represents allergies
- Reminder Pages (middle): Represents patient reminders
Cross Icon (right): Identifies wellness plan customers
To add alerts within these fields, click on the icon. When the patient has an allergy, alert, reminders, and/or wellness plan enrollment, the icon will display in color, and if they don’t, the icon will be grayed out.
Patient Overview
1. Age, Species, and Breed: can be added or edited through the Patient Tab within the Patient Info widget. Click the edit/pencil in the upper right corner of the widget to make alterations, and then click Ok.
2. Weight: can be added from the most recent chart note. From the Choose Action, Scheduler, or Patient Tab, select the Chart Notes widget or the Quick Link. Click the (+) in the upper right corner of the widget, and select the chart type and provider. Type the patient’s weight into the Wt vital field, and the Patient Reserve will update automatically.
3. The client’s Phone Number can be added or altered from the Choose Action, Scheduler, or Patient tab within the Owner Information widget or Quicklink.
4. rDVM represents the referring/referral veterinarian, and can also be added through the Owner Information widget. For additional assistance, check out Choose Action: Adding a Referring DVM (rDVM)
5. Last Visit will reflect the most recent checked in/out of an appointment on that patient’s record.
6. Outstanding Balance represents the total balance owed by that owner between all pets that are tied to that owner.
Main Menu
1. The tabs listed along the left side of the screen will take you to different areas and functionalities throughout the system.
2. User Settings can be found by clicking on the Hippo icon in the lower-left corner of the screen. This will allow you to set a preferred landing page or customize the Choose Action screen.
Helpful Tip:
For additional assistance with customizing the Choose Action screen, check out Choose Action- Using Choose Action Settings to Optimize Workflow.
For additional assistance with customizing the Quick Links, check out Patient Dashboard: Uploading a Patient Photo and Scheduler - Using and Customizing Quick Links to Optimize Workflow