Add an Item
Associated Chart: It's recommended to select an associated chart note if applicable, to keep the record and visit a unified record.
Provider: It's important to assign the veterinarian treating this patient, not only from a record standpoint but for certificates, and provider production reporting.
Item: Type the name of the item or service you wish to add to the sale and select from the dropdown.
Quantity: Type the desired quantity for the line or kit you wish to add to the sale, and then click Add Item.
Date Administered: This field is excellent for cases where the patient may have received an item or service on a date after the invoice was initially started.
Invoice Total Summary & Actions
Bulk Add Item: This section allows you to add items or services to multiple patient invoices at one time. For more information, check out Invoices: Bulk Add Item (One Item/Service Applied to Multiple Invoices)
Bulk Add Payment: This section allows you to apply a payment to multiple patient invoices at one time. For more information, check out Invoices: Applying a Payment to a Multi Pet or Multi Invoice Checkout
Account Credit: This section will display any account credit balance on that owner's account. For more information about issuing and using account credits, check out Administration: Creating and Using a Deposit/Account Credit Code & Checkout- Processing Returns & Issuing Refunds or Credits
New Invoice: If there's an existing sale already on the checkout screen, New Invoice will create another open sale for this patient and client.
Void Invoice: If an existing sale needs to be canceled, click Void Invoice to remove it.
Print Invoice: This allows you to print or email the current invoice or estimate to the client for review.
- Important Note: Email Client will only be available after you've selected Print Invoice. The option will then appear in the upper right corner of the owner copy view.
Complete Invoice: This button will be blue (clickable) once you've collected payment, and the invoice has reached a $0.00 balance. Clicking Complete Invoice will generate a receipt for the customer and close the sale.
Sale Taxable: This toggle determines whether or not sales taxes will be applied to the invoice. If your client regularly does not get charged sales tax, this can be assigned under Owner Information. Check out Choose Action: Setting Tax Exemption
Estimate: This toggle determines whether the register is displaying an invoice or an estimate. For additional information about creating and using the estimates toggle, check out Checkout: Creating and Converting Estimates
Comments: This box is very versatile, and can be used for important notes, reminders, and courtesy messages. This can then be available on the owner-facing estimate or receipt.
Show on Receipt: When this toggle is selected, the comments box will appear on the owner-facing estimate or receipt.
Owner's Other Patients
This section will display all other invoice totals for patients linked to a specific owner. These totals should also add up to the Balance in the Patient Reserve displayed in the Patient Reserve.
Example: If the active patient's Checkout tab displays $130.48 and there's another patient invoice displayed in the Owners Other Patients section in the amount of $174.59, the Patient Reserve balance will display $305.07. You should then use the Bulk Add Payment feature to collect one payment for all open invoices pertaining to a multi-patient visit. Check out Invoices: Applying a Payment to a Multi-Pet or Multi Invoice Checkout.
Payment Capture
Payment Type: Select the client’s method of payment from this drop-down menu, and click Add Payment. This will then open a slide-out menu on the right side of your screen as displayed below:
Amount Tendered: The system will automatically display the sale amount due, and will only need editing if the client is paying a partial or overpayment amount.
Backdate Transaction: The date the payment is processed. The invoice will automatically display today’s date, but if you wish to backdate the payment, click this toggle and select the desired date.
Add Payment: Add a payment to the invoice with the Payment Type and Amount Tendered that have been selected.
Owner Receipt
The owner's receipt will automatically generate once the payment is collected. If this is a multi-patient visit using the Bulk Add Payment feature, the receipt will include both patients.
Helpful Tip
For more information on where to access an owner's transaction history, or manage invoices, check out Invoices- Invoice Management Breakdown.