Using the Smart Search to Change Patients
1. From the Patient Reserve, click the patient's name or picture in the upper left corner of the screen. Alternatively, clicking the magnifying glass in the upper right corner of the screen will take you to the same Change Patients page.
2. Using the Smart Search field, type the patient's name you wish to open, and then click Switch to Patient when you've found the correct record. You can also use the additional fields below depending on your information.
Important Note: If the patient you are looking for is deceased, you will need to select the Include Deceased Patients toggle to enable this filter.
What Does the Smart Search Field Allow?
- Patient Name
- Owner Name (first and/or last)
- Alias ID
- Email Address
- Phone Number
- Microchip Number
- License ID Number
Important Note: To look up patients in your system by Rabies Tag number, you must type their rabies tag number directly into the Serial Number/Tag filter text field.
Switching Patient Records Related to the Same Owner
(Patient List)
1. From the Choose Action page, select the Patient List icon. The system will then redirect you to the Change Patient page where the list displays only patients related to the owner who is actively displayed in the Patient Reserve.
** Alternatively, select either the patient's picture in the Patient Reserve, or the magnifying glass in the upper right corner of the page to access the Change Patients page. Then select the toggle that says Include Only Patients of (Owners Name) to enable this filter.
2. Select Switch to Patient to view a different patient's record.
Important Note: If you find that after creating a new patient account, this toggle does not include all related patients in the list below, you may need to refresh the page.
Switching Patient Records From The Scheduler
Hippo Manager Update 2.3.12 | Release Date: July 24th 2023
1. From the Scheduler page, select the patient's appointment to open the details.
2. Then select the Switch to Patient button in the upper right corner of the page. Important Note: This button is only available when you are not currently on that patient's account, and a patient's appointment is selected to open details.
Helpful Tip:
For more information about invoicing multiple patients related to the same owner, check out:
- Invoices: Bulk Add Item (One Item/Service Applied to Multiple Invoices)
- Invoices: Bulk Add Payment (One Payment Applied to Multiple Invoices)
- Checkout: Multi-Patient Invoice Receipt