Creating A Deposit/Account Credit Code
1. Click the Administration tab, and select the Items and Services widget.
2. Click Create New Item in the upper right corner of the screen and fill out the following sections:
Item Definition
- Name: Type desired name of the Deposit code
- Important Note: The system will only allow for one account credit item code to be used across all practice locations, so it's recommended to use a generic name such as "Procedure Deposit" or "Account Credit".
- UPC: Skip
- Type: Select Account Credit from the dropdown menu.
- Location: Select the location(s) you wish for this discount item to be available in.
- Account: Skip
- Category: Secondary Item Identifier (Useful for Reporting) To customize, check out Administration - Creating and Editing Item Categories
- Description Box and Allow Alt Description allow for additional notes to appear on the invoice. (Skip if not applicable)
Item Behavior- Skip
Item Pricing- Skip
Reminders- Skip
Inventory Control- Skip
Miscellaneous- Skip
3. Click Save Item when finished.
Helpful Tip
For assistance with applying a deposit/account credit code to an owner's account without an invoice, check out Management: Creating an Account Credits or Gift Card Without Generating an Invoice