Hippo Manager allows a practice to apply the same item to multiple invoices at once using the Bulk Add Item feature with the exception of vaccination or medication items. Vaccination and Medication items will need to be added to the individual patient via the Vaccine or Medication icon, or through a Chart Template.
Applying Bulk Add Item to Multi-Patient Invoices Tied to the Same Owner
From the Checkout Screen
1. Once you're in the desired patient's record, click the Checkout tab to access the sales register.
2. Next, click Bulk Add Item in the upper right corner of the sale screen.
3. Within the list of open invoices towards the bottom section of this screen, click the toggle on the left side of all the open invoices you wish to have this item applied to.
4. Within the Bulk Add Item section towards the middle of the page, add the desired Item or service, Quantity, Provider, and Date Administered. Then select Add Item to Selected Invoices.
5. Return to the Invoices page to view the newly updated invoices which will display an updated balance total.
Alternatively, the List Invoice Items button found on the Invoices tab will display the newly added item on the individual invoices. For more information on the List Invoice Items feature, check out Invoices: List Invoice Item.
From the Invoices Screen
1. Click the Invoices tab, and select Bulk Add Item from the action buttons in the upper right corner of the screen.
2. Within the list of open invoices towards the bottom section of this screen, click the toggle on the left side of all the open invoices you wish to have this item applied to.
3. Within the Bulk Add Item section towards the middle of the page, add the desired Item or service, Quantity, Provider, and Date Administered. Then select Add Item to Selected Invoices.
4. Return to the Invoices page to view the newly updated invoices which will display an updated balance total.
Alternatively, the List Invoice Items button found on the Invoices tab will all display the newly added item on the individual invoices. For more information on the List Invoice Items feature, check out Invoices: List Invoice Item.
Applying Bulk Add Item to Multi-Patient Invoices Tied to Different Owners
From the Checkout Screen
1. Once you're in the desired patient's record, click the Checkout tab to access the sales register.
2. Next, click Bulk Add Item in the upper right corner of the sale screen.
3. Select the All Patients toggle on the upper left side of the screen to display a list of open invoices system-wide.
4. Using the filter options, type either the owner name, and/or the patient name to narrow the list which will then only include invoices for patients with that name, or patients tied to owners with that name.
5. Select the toggle on the left side of the open invoices list for those you wish to be included in this transaction. Leaving that invoice toggled, repeat steps 3-5 if adding another owner’s invoice outside of that current list. Otherwise, move to step 6.
6. Within the Bulk Add Item section towards the middle of the page, add the desired Item or service, Quantity, Provider, and Date Administered. Then select Add Item to Selected Invoices.
7. A prompt will appear to confirm that you’ll be applying an item to multiple owner accounts. Click OK.
8. Return to the Invoices page to view the newly updated invoices which will display an updated balance total.
9. The controls in the Modify section towards the right side of the screen will allow you to Print a copy of that patient's invoice to share or reference. Switch to Patient will change records where you can then click the Checkout tab or Slideout Menu to update or process payment.
From the Invoices Screen
1. Click the Invoices tab, and select Bulk Add Item in the upper right corner of the screen.
2. Click the All Patients toggle on the upper left side of the screen to display a list of open invoices system-wide.
3. Using the filter options, type either the owner name, and/or the patient name to narrow the list which will then only include invoices for patients with that name, or patients tied to owners with that name.
4. Click the toggle on the left side of the open invoices list for those you wish to be included in this transaction. Leaving that invoice toggled, repeat steps 3-4 if adding another owner’s invoice outside of that current list. Otherwise, move to step 5.
5. Within the Bulk Add Item section towards the middle of the page, add the desired Item or service, Quantity, Provider, and Date Administered. Then select Add Item to Selected Invoices.
6. A prompt will appear to confirm that you’ll be applying an item to multiple owner accounts. Click OK.
7. Return to the Invoices page to view the newly updated invoices which will display an updated balance total.
8. The controls in the Modify section towards the right side of the screen will allow you to Print a copy of that patient's invoice to share or reference. Switch to Patient will change records where you can then click the Checkout tab or Slideout Menu to update or process payment.
Helpful Tip
Hippo also allows you to pay for multi-patient invoices at one time using the Bulk Payments feature. For additional assistance check out Invoices: Bulk Add Payment (One Payment Applied to Multiple Invoices).