Hippo Manager offers a variety of Financial and Inventory reporting, and there are a few specifically helpful for End of Day calculations.
Deposit Slip Report
1. Click the Reports tab, and select Detailed Reports.
2. Select Deposit Slips from the widget menu, and assign a Date Range. Then click Get Report.
3. The Deposit Slip will display:
- All Cash and Check transactions collected and separated by subtotal.
- Grand total for all Cash and Check payments collected.
Important Note: This report only reflects cash, check, or dispensed change payments collected in a specific date range, regardless of the invoice status. The report will open in a new tab for convenient cross-referencing with other reports, like the Summary Payments Report. The Summary Payments Report will provide totals for all other payment types (Visa, Mastercard, Discover, etc.).
Summary Payment Report
1. Click the Reports tab, and select Summary Reports.
2. Select Summary Payments from the widget menu. Then select the appropriate Location, preferred Format, and desired Date Range, and click Get Report.
3. The Summary Payments Report will display the following:
Transactions made for all payment methods and separated into subtotals.
The number of transactions for each payment method.
Payment method subtotals.
Grand total for all Payment methods in that date range.
Important Note: This report will reflect all methods of payment collected in a specific date range including issued or used account credits, regardless of the invoice status. The report will open in a new tab for convenient cross-referencing with other reports, like the Detailed Payments Report. It’s recommended to also use the Detailed Payments Report if a more detailed breakdown is needed.
*** The Summary Payments report is designed to track and display specific payment activity within a date range. This report should only be used to cross-reference other payment activity reports, like the Detailed Payments report and the Deposit Slip, and should not be used for accounting purposes.
Detailed Payments Report
1. Click the Reports tab, and select Detailed Reports.
2. Select Detailed Payments from the widget menu. Then select the appropriate Location, Invoice Status, Date Range, and preferred Format. Then click Get Report.
3. The Detailed Payments Report will display all transactions made within an assigned Location, Invoice Status, and Date Range that includes:
- Hospital Location
- Payment Date
- Invoice Completion Date
- Client Name
- Transaction Type
- Transaction Amount
Important Note: This report will document when an account credit is both issued and then processed as a payment. The report will open in a new tab for convenient cross-referencing with other reports, like the Summary Sales by Day Report. For accounting purposes, it’s recommended to use the Summary Sales By Day Report.
*** The Detailed Payments report is designed to track specific payment activity within a date range. This report should only be used to cross-reference other payment activity reports, like Summary Payments and the Deposit Slip, and should not be used for accounting purposes.
Summary Sales By Day Report (Recommended for Accounting)
1. Click the Reports tab, and select Summary Reports.
2. Select Summary Sales By Day from the widget menu. Then select the appropriate Location, Invoice Status, Sale Type, Date Range, and preferred Format. Then click Get Report.
3. The Summary Sales By Day Report will display the total transactions made per day for the assigned Location, Invoice Status, Sale Type, and Date Range includes:
- Daily- Subtotal, Total, Tax Amount, Profit Amount
- Date Range- Subtotal, Total, Tax Amount, and Profit Amount
Helpful Tip
For hospitals utilizing our integration with VCP for wellness plans, your reporting pertaining to those plans will be supported through VCP.
For assistance with managing or capturing data for weekly, quarterly, or annually reporting, check out Reports: End of Period