This is part 2 of 5 in the article series.
Vaccines with multiple reminders linking back to the same inventory code can be set up to add the appropriate reminder automatically. In this article, we will be focused on creating the stocking item that will be used to generate the certificate and the price.
Creating The Stocking Item Code
1. Through the Administration tab, click the Items and Services widget.
2. Next, click Create New Item in the upper right corner of the screen and fill out the following sections:
Item Definition
- Name field, type the name of the main or primary inventory item you wish to use for several reminder intervals. Example: DHPP Vaccine.
- Important Note: This will be the Master Line Item that your inventory is pulling from and also generating vaccine certificates.
- UPC: if using a barcode scanner, this will allow you to scan that item in Receiving. (Skip if not applicable)
- Type: Select Stocking Item from the dropdown menu.
- Important Note: If this is a Rabies vaccine, select Rabies Tag instead of stocking item
- Location: Select the location(s) you wish for this item to be available. (Inventory quantities are specific to location).
- Account: List of AAHA Chart of Accounts as an extra identifier. (Skip if not applicable)
- Category: Extra Item Identifier (Useful for Reporting) To customize, check out Administration: Creating and Editing Item Categories
- Description Box and Allow Alt Description allow for additional notes to appear on the invoice such as lookouts for vaccine reactions, etc. (Skip if not applicable)
Item Behavior- select the following toggles
- Vaccine
- Require Provider (optional) This will require a provider when adding the item to an invoice
Hide from Sales Register
- Serialized (Rabies Vaccine Only)
Item Pricing
- Cost Price: Hospital Cost $
- Markup Percent: The percentage added will calculate the Unit Price automatically
- Unit Price: Hospital Retail $
- Minimum Sale Price: Skip
- Dispensing Fee: (Optional) This will automatically add this $ amount to the invoice with this line item.
- Taxes: Select Tax (If you don't see your desired tax rate listed, check out Administration: Creating and Editing Tax Rates
- Volume Pricing: Skip
- Reminder Interval: SkipAlso Replaces: Select the Reminder Item code that will be linked with this item from the dropdown.
- Example: If you have 3 Reminder Item codes (3 wk, 1 yr, 3 yr) then you'll want to add each of those to the "Also Replaces" section.
- Important Note: The "Next Due" will not populate on the vaccine certificate if you skip this step.
Inventory Control
- Minimum On-Hand Quantity: Qty that the system will capture on the Low Inventory Report to assist with re-ordering.
- Maximum On-Hand Quantity: This is a new field that will have functionality in the future.
- Species Restriction: (optional) This will allow you to control what species this item is available for
3. Click Save Item when finished.
4. Repeat the steps above for creating all Primary/Stocking Vaccine Codes Example: Rabies, DHPP, Lepto, Influenza, Lyme, etc.
Helpful Tip
For the next article in the series, check out Administration: Linking Multiple Reminders to an Item Code- Part 3 (Item Kit).