This is part 3 of 5 in the article series.
Vaccines with multiple reminders linking back to the same inventory code can be set up to add the appropriate reminder automatically. In this article, we will be focused on linking the stocking item to reminder items which will generate the appropriate information for the patient reminders, vaccine certificates, and client pricing.
Linking Stocking Item Code to the Reminder Item Codes Using Item Kits
1. Through the Administration tab, click the Items and Services widget.
2. Next, click Create New Item in the upper right corner of the screen and fill out the following sections:
Item Definition
- Name field, type the desired Kit Name. Example: DHPP Vaccine: 1 yr.
- Important Note: This will be the folder used and displayed on the invoice, so it's important that the reminder interval be included in the name.
- UPC: Skip
- Type: Select Item Kit from the dropdown menu.
- Location: Select the location(s) you wish for this Kit to be available.
- Account: Skip
- Category: Skip
- Description Box: Skip
Item Behavior-
- Select the vaccine toggle to enable it
Item Pricing- Skip
Reminders- Skip
Inventory Control- Skip
Miscellaneous- Skip
Item Kit
- Item: Type the Stocking Inventory Item Code and select from the dropdown (Example: DHPP Vaccine)
- Quantity: 1
- Click the checkmark in the lower right corner of that box, and once more when you see the (+).
- Item: Type the Reminder Item Code and select from the dropdown (Example: DHPP Vaccine 1 yr Reminder)
- Quantity: 1
- Then, click the checkmark in the lower right corner of that box to save.
3. Click the Display as Single Line toggle to the right.
4. Click Save Item in the lower-left corner when finished.
5. Repeat the steps above for creating all Item Kits to Link Stocking Item Codes to Reminder Item Codes. (Example: DHPP Vaccine 3 wk Reminder Booster, 1 yr Reminder, 3 yr Reminder, etc.)
Helpful Tip
For the next article in the series, check out Management: Linking Multiple Reminders to an Item Code- Part 4 (Receiving).