Owner's Other Patients
This section within the Checkout screen will display invoice totals for all other patients linked to a specific owner. These totals should also add up to the balance in the Patient Reserve.
Example: If the active patient's Checkout tab displays $130.48 and there's another patient invoice displayed in the Owners Other Patients section in the amount of $174.59, the Patient Reserve balance will display $305.07. You should then use the Bulk Add Payment feature to collect one payment for all open invoices pertaining to a multi-patient visit. Check out Invoices: Bulk Add Payment (One Payment Applied to Multiple Invoices).
Owner Receipt
After you've captured the owner's payment through Bulk Add Payment, the owner's receipt will automatically generate and include all other patient invoices as well. For additional information, check out Checkout: Register Breakdown and Invoices: Bulk Add Payment (One Payment Applied to Multiple Invoices).