This is part 3 of 5 in the article series.
The scheduler is very customizable to suit a practice's unique workflow. In this article, we will be focused on creating color-coded appointment-type templates.
Customizing Appointment Type Colors
1. Select the Management tab and then select the Scheduler Event Types widget.
2. To replace any existing options, or remove an option select the line to highlight in green, and then either alter the details below or select the trash can in the lower right corner of this list to remove it. Refresh the screen after alteration or removal to see updates. To add a new appointment type color select the (+) in the upper right corner of the screen, and then add the following:
- Event Type: This will display on the appointment details, and also identify the appointment type by color. Example: Illness
- Color: Select the desired color. practice location from the dropdown list where this column should display. If you have multiple locations, it's recommended to create two resources and assign one to each location. (In the image below, the Illness template has a green appointment type.)
3. Select Apply in the lower left corner of the screen to save changes to that column.
4. Repeat step 2-3 for as many identifier appointment type templates as needed.
Helpful Tip
To assist with creating scheduler appointment columns, check out Scheduler: Customization Part 2 of 5 (Columns).