The Scheduler Tasks are designed to assist the team with notes, and reminders, and can be completed by any user. This task will be assigned to all resources where that user is assigned.
Creating a Task
1. To create a new task, select the task box at the top of the scheduler, below the column header. Then select the (+) in the upper right corner of the new screen.
2. Fill out the Title, Description, Date, and Time. Leave the Status as Pending, and then select Ok to save.
The scheduler will now display this task at the top of the screen under all columns that have that user assigned as the resource. For more information on assigning a user to resources, check out Scheduler: Customization Part 2 of 5 (Columns).
Example: Dr. Phiona Nilpferd is assigned to Exam Rm 1, 2, 3, and Surgery, so this note from the image above is displayed within those columns.
Viewing & Completing a Task
1. Select the task box at the top of the scheduler screen to review the task note.
2. Then, double-click the task you wish to complete. Change the Status to Pending, and then select Ok. The task number should then be deducted from the scheduler screen.
Important Note: If there is a task on the scheduler, but you don't see any notes within the main task list, select the refresh button in the lower right corner of the main tasks screen.
Helpful Tip
For assistance with identifying who completed a task on the scheduler, check out Administration: User Access Log