Choose Action
- Choose Action: Vaccination Certificate Breakdown
- Checkout: Reassigning Completed Invoices and/or Payments
- Choose Action: Account Verification Upon Login
- Choose Action: Adding a Referring DVM (rDVM)
- Choose Action: Anesthesia Monitoring
- Choose Action: Boarding Admission Form
- Choose Action: Cage Card Breakdown
- Choose Action: Canine Dental Form
- Choose Action: Capturing New Client Referrals
- Choose Action: Changing Practice Locations
- Choose Action: Chart Note Breakdown (Progress/Treatment)
- Choose Action: Chart Note Breakdown (SOAP)
- Choose Action: Chart Quick Notes
- Choose Action: Coggins Form
- Choose Action: Creating & Linking a Secondary Owner to a Patient Account
- Choose Action: Creating a Chart Note and Capturing Vitals
- Choose Action: Creating a New Patient Account
- Choose Action: Customizing Choose Action Settings to Optimize Workflow
- Choose Action: Discharge Instructions
- Choose Action: Equine Dental
- Choose Action: Feline Dental Form
- Choose Action: Icon Notification Bubbles
- Choose Action: Logging a New Prescription
- Choose Action: Logging a Prescription Refill
- Choose Action: Logging Into Your Hippo Manager Platform
- Choose Action: Lot Number and Expiration Date on Vaccine Certificates
- Choose Action: Manually Adding Patient Reminders
- Choose Action: Owner/Patient Search
- Choose Action: Patient Reserve Breakdown
- Choose Action: Patient Vaccination History